The following is a list of grants with their associated access to user rights. Users can authorize applications to use their account, but with limited permissions based on the grants the user gave to the application. An application acting on behalf of a user cannot actually use rights that the user does not have however.
There may be additional information about individual rights.
Grant | Maf |
Mafên bingehîn (basic) | - Automatically log in with an external user account
- Bikaranîna write APIyê
- Bypass IP blocks, auto-blocks and range blocks
- Edit pages protected as "Tenê bikarhênerên xwebixwe-piştrastkirî qebûl bike"
- Have one's own edits automatically marked as patrolled
- Ji sînorên lezê yên IP-esasî tesîr negire
- Not have minor edits to discussion pages trigger the new messages prompt
- Perform CAPTCHA-triggering actions without having to go through the CAPTCHA
- Rûpelan bixwîne
- View a list of unwatched pages
- View recent changes patrol marks
High-volume (bot) access (highvolume) | - Be treated as an automated process
- Mark rolled-back edits as bot edits
- Not be affected by rate limits
- Use higher limits in API queries
Import revisions (import) | - Import pages from a file upload
- Rûpelan ji wikiyên din împort bike
Rûpelên heyî biguhêre (editpage) | - Add and remove arbitrary tags on individual revisions and log entries
- Apply tags along with one's changes
- Edit the content model of a page
- Rûpelan biguhêre
- Wek guhertinek biçûk nîşan bide
Rûpelên parastî biguhêre (editprotected) | - Add and remove arbitrary tags on individual revisions and log entries
- Apply tags along with one's changes
- Edit pages protected as "Destûrê tenê bide rêveberan"
- Edit the content model of a page
- Rûpelan biguhêre
- Wek guhertinek biçûk nîşan bide
Edit your user CSS/JSON/JavaScript (editmycssjs) | - Add and remove arbitrary tags on individual revisions and log entries
- Apply tags along with one's changes
- Edit the content model of a page
- Edit your own user CSS files
- Edit your own user JSON files
- Edit your own user JavaScript files
- Rûpelan biguhêre
- Wek guhertinek biçûk nîşan bide
Edit your user preferences and JSON configuration (editmyoptions) | - Edit your own user JSON files
- Tercîhên xwe biguhêre
Edit the MediaWiki namespace and sitewide/user JSON (editinterface) | - Add and remove arbitrary tags on individual revisions and log entries
- Apply tags along with one's changes
- Edit sitewide JSON
- Edit the content model of a page
- Edit the user interface
- Guhartina dosyayên JSONê ên kesên dî
- Rûpelan biguhêre
- Wek guhertinek biçûk nîşan bide
Edit sitewide and user CSS/JS (editsiteconfig) | - Add and remove arbitrary tags on individual revisions and log entries
- Apply tags along with one's changes
- Edit sitewide CSS
- Edit sitewide JSON
- Edit sitewide JavaScript
- Edit the content model of a page
- Edit the user interface
- Guhartina dosyayên CSSê ên kesên dî
- Guhartina dosyayên JSONê ên kesên dî
- Guhartina dosyayên JavaScriptê ên kesên dî
- Rûpelan biguhêre
- Wek guhertinek biçûk nîşan bide
Çêkirin, guhartin û barkirina rûpelan (createeditmovepage) | - Add and remove arbitrary tags on individual revisions and log entries
- Apply tags along with one's changes
- Barkirina rûpelên kategoriyan
- Create pages (which are not discussion pages)
- Delete single revision redirects
- Edit the content model of a page
- Move root user pages
- Neçêkirina beralîkirinên ji rûpelên berê wextê ku ew werin barkirin
- Rûpelan bi binrûpelên wan re barkirin
- Rûpelan bigerîne
- Rûpelan biguhêre
- Rûpelên gotûbêjê çêke
- Wek guhertinek biçûk nîşan bide
Dosyeyên nû bar bike (uploadfile) | - Dosyeyan lê bar bike
- Overwrite existing files uploaded by oneself
Upload, replace, and move files (uploadeditmovefile) | - Dosya barkirin
- Dosyeyan lê bar bike
- Ji URLekê dosyayan bar kirin
- Neçêkirina beralîkirinên ji rûpelên berê wextê ku ew werin barkirin
- Override files on the shared media repository locally
- Overwrite existing files
- Overwrite existing files uploaded by oneself
Patrol changes to pages (patrol) | - Mark others' edits as patrolled
Rollback changes to pages (rollback) | - Quickly rollback the edits of the last user who edited a particular page
Block and unblock users (blockusers) | - Block or unblock a user from sending email
- Block or unblock other users from editing
View deleted files and pages (viewdeleted) | - Li rûpelên jêbirî bigere
- View deleted history entries, without their associated text
- View deleted text and changes between deleted revisions
View restricted log entries (viewrestrictedlogs) | - Logên şexsî dîtin
Delete pages, revisions, and log entries (delete) | - Add and remove arbitrary tags on individual revisions and log entries
- Apply tags along with one's changes
- Delete and undelete specific log entries
- Delete and undelete specific revisions of pages
- Edit the content model of a page
- Jêbirinê betal bike
- Li rûpelên jêbirî bigere
- Rûpelan biguhêre
- Rûpelan jê bibe
- Rûpelên bi dîrokên pir dirêj jê bibe
- View deleted history entries, without their associated text
- View deleted text and changes between deleted revisions
- Wek guhertinek biçûk nîşan bide
Hide users and suppress revisions (oversight) | - View revisions hidden from any user
- View, hide and unhide specific revisions of pages from any user
Protect and unprotect pages (protect) | - Add and remove arbitrary tags on individual revisions and log entries
- Apply tags along with one's changes
- Change protection settings and edit cascade-protected pages
- Edit pages protected as "Destûrê tenê bide rêveberan"
- Edit the content model of a page
- Rûpelan biguhêre
- Wek guhertinek biçûk nîşan bide
Lîsteya xwe ya şopandinê bibîne (viewmywatchlist) | - Lîsteya xwe ya şopandinê bibîne
Lîsteya xwe ya şopandinê biguhere (editmywatchlist) | - Edit your own watchlist (note that some actions will still add pages even without this right)
Send email to other users (sendemail) | - Ji bikarhênerên di re ename bişîne
Hesab çêkirin (createaccount) | - Hesaba bikarînerek nû veke
Access private information (privateinfo) | - View your own private data (e.g. email address, real name)
Merge page histories (mergehistory) | - Tarîxa rûpelan yek bike